Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Building Successful ISV Partnerships: Benefits and Impacts

Digital disruption is gradually invading all walks of life, giving businesses across sectors the opportunity to grow ahead of all projections. Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) need to scale up too, to be seen in the disrupted market. They need to adopt the latest technologies and business models to provide innovative solutions, meet customer demands and outpace their competitors.

ISV startups enter the business realm with the goal to become the next forerunner. But, being new to the industry, they face certain challenges in reaching the growing market. The most prevalent ones are:

•    Insufficient customer base
•    Lack of a rich portfolio and case studies
•    Limited or no market reach and knowledge

For ISV startups to keep up with the competitive market and grow in the current digital age, a strong digital presence, market reach and customer base are of utmost importance. To achieve this, ISVs need to partner with mid-level or large firms doing business in the same domain.

Here are some of the key benefits of partnering with big businesses.

Drive Innovation

ISVs often lack the necessary skills and expertise in the latest technologies to develop innovative concepts. Partnering with big companies that provide innovative technology solutions can solve this challenge. Startups have an opportunity to learn and use new technologies to build and sell innovative products and software.

Expand Service Portfolio

Big businesses have a greater range of products and service offerings across various domains and industries. Joining hands with such firms can help small-scale independent software vendors to expand their range of offerings and capabilities. Reaching new breadths and depths with differentiated solutions will enable ISVs to conquer more business.

Strengthen Customer Relationships

With the support of a trusted digital transformation partner, you can gain the trust of your customers and engage in meaningful customer relationships. With the right experience and expertise of dealing with customer demands, your ISV will now be able to address the customization, scalability, and integration requirements of your customers. This will increase their value and lead to long-term relationships with their customers.

Meet Customer Demands

The modern customers need reliable service providers who can deliver custom solutions for them fast and efficiently. By partnering with large businesses, ISVs can rise to meet the ever-changing customer demands. They have business-ready solutions, which can be leveraged to easily meet customer needs and add value to their business. This will readily increase their profit potential, while reducing time-to-value.

Improve Revenue

Apart from all the above-mentioned benefits, partnerships offer profit opportunities to ISVs. With an extended range of services and solutions to offer, ISVs can build new revenue models and incentive programs to gain more returns.

Wrapping Up

The above-mentioned benefits show that in order to stand out from the crowd and to ensure growth, software vendors need to establish relevant partnerships. While building business partnerships sounds easy, finding the right match can get difficult.

At Gateway Digital, we specialize in transforming businesses by providing the right insights and technology solutions, and supporting them in their growth journey. With a rich talent pool and hands-on experience in innovative technologies, we collaborate with ISVs to help them gain a competitive edge in the disrupted market.

To know more about the partnership opportunities, get in touch with us at Also, visit to explore our digital transformation services and solutions.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

How to Tackle Security Risks in Digital Transformation

Every business in the current era of digital transformation face this crucial question: Are you going to let digital risk hold you back from adopting new technologies, or are you going to manage the risks and move forward?

Data breaches and cyber-attacks have grown rapidly in the past several years, with attacks becoming more sophisticated and meticulous. Businesses across the world, irrespective of their industry or organization size experience data loss and malware attacks. Organizations that do not have sturdy cybersecurity policies or advanced security solutions are prone to these attacks. What makes the business more vulnerable to such attacks is their lack of resources and technical capabilities to tackle them.

As businesses move into a digital ecosystem, there are many ways in which hackers try to invade a business- from shared devices to mobile apps via messages and emails. And unfortunately, the traditional security systems that they have relied on, such as firewalls, anti-malware systems and sandboxes would no longer suffice.

According to a recent report on Cybersecurity in the Age of Digital Transformation, cybersecurity is the top challenge and the top concern for CIOs and CISOs planning to engage in digital projects. Implementation of innovative technologies such as AI/ML, cloud, IoT, etc. involves a hefty amount of data. Businesses require advanced security solutions that are capable to scan all the data and protect the systems from possible attacks or malware.

Managing the Digital Risk

Businesses need to develop security strategies to mitigate the risks associated with transforming into a digital organization. The CIO and CISO of the organization must adopt a strategic approach and align their security strategy to the business priorities, objectives, and values. The security teams of the organization must have a complete understanding of the risks involved in the process. Every organization needs to have a Security Operations Center (SOC) team to prevent, detect and remediate threats. These teams must set priorities and make effective decisions without hampering customer experience.

How Can We Help?

Gateway Digital’s cybersecurity division offers business-driven security solutions that provide organizations with a unified approach to manage, detect and respond to security threats. Our advanced cybersecurity solutions are designed to provide cyber defence from known and unknown threats. With the right mix of cybersecurity consulting and Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services, we save businesses from threats before a massive loss or breach becomes unrecoverable.

Our cybersecurity models provide AI-driven threat protection, coordinated remediation and consultation, security monitoring, forensic analysis, vulnerability and penetration support, response orchestration, compliance support, and many more services. Our Cyber Security Operation Center (CSOC) provides 24×7 support to millions of users around the world while reducing business risk, cybercrime, and fraud.

Want to thrive in this high-risk digital world? Let us manage the risk for you, while you adapt to the transformational change. Tell us your requirements at and visit for more.